Social Media Marketing Experiment Underway

twitter profile

After a hectic couple of days with clients, I’ve finally been able to make a start on my social media marketing experiment. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  •  Faffed around slightly with my Facebook page. I’ve added a new custom cover photo and made more of an effort to update my statuses.
  • Made more of an effort to connect with people via Linkedin. In actual fact, this has helped my Facebook page too. There’s a conversation in one of my groups that allows people to put a link to their Facebook page. The idea is that people scroll through the list, pick out the pages they like (depending on type of business and interests) and like the page. Most people send a little message saying that they’ve found the page through Linkedin and 9 times out of 10 they’ll get a like back. Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea. If you’d like to know more about this, contact me and I’ll be happy to chat with you.
  • Created a new Twitter account, complete with a custom background.

Playing Around

It’s not really the design aspects of each account that I’m too concerned with at the moment, although I do find that side of things quite fun. The more important thing to me is how I represent myself in the way I run the accounts. For this reason, I’ve decided NOT to link my social media networks.

The reason I’ve come to this decision is quite simple: Each network is completely different. Twitter and Facebook are prime examples. Twitter only allows updates containing a maximum of 140 characters. Facebook allows reams and reams of words per status update (perfect for those personal rants that we all love to see on there). So it seems a little silly to either waste all the space on Facebook with a short Tweet, or have an incomplete status on Twitter, which is what happens when you link the two together.

Another valid point is that Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and any other social network site attracts different audiences. This is a fact. People might open every social network account possible, but they always prefer one over the others. I have friends that have both Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin accounts. Some of them tweet every 2 seconds but only check Facebook once a week, whereas others will openly admit to abandoning their Twitter account because they didn’t really understand it. So why would I treat different audiences in the same way? Well the point is, I won’t be doing! 🙂

another thing I haven’t done is set up an automated message for followers on Twitter. I don’t think this method is effective anymore. In fact, I think it might be bordering on badgering people. I’d like people to follow me because they’re interested in what I have to say. If the first thing I have to say to them is a generic message asking them to do something that will help me and not them then I’m most likely to get them clicking the unfollow button!

Up Next…

So my short term aims for the rest of the week are:

  • Try to increase my followers on Twitter and Facebook through writing incredibly witty and informative updates
  • Set the new website up (I’m uber excited about this)
  • Make more connections through Linkedin
  • Try to log in and out of Pinterest within an hour (seriously, every time I go on that site, I spend far too long. I’ve banned myself from it until my workload is complete every day)

Hopefully the next time I have an experiment update, it will be posted on the new website (did I mention I’m excited about that?). I’ll look forward to seeing some of you on my various pages.

About Memma Hough

I'm an opinionated 20 odd year old woman who always tries to look at the brighter side of life whilst knowing only too well the darkness of the world. I'm a devoted mother, dedicated writer and a loyal friend to those who deserve me. I enjoy reading, writing and spending time with good people who make me smile, as well as a healthy dose of slobbing when I get the chance (such chances are rarer than rocking horse poo!). Oh and I crave things that will make me look and feel as glamorous as I know I was born to be!

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