Category Archives: Fun things

Who’s your favourite X Factor 2012 Contestant?

I don’t care who knows it, I am an out and out X Factor geek!  I watch it religiously every year and moving to Bulgaria hasn’t stopped me, it just means that I have to wait until Sunday to be able to stream it online.  This is fine by me because it kicks my lazy Sundays off to a great start.

Every year there’s always a couple of people I love.  Last year it was Mischa B and Little Mix.  This year I like quite a few people but the two that stand out for me are; James Arthur and Ella Henderson.  Honestly, when those two sing something, my heart breaks just a little bit and I feel like crying.  Sometimes I actually do cry but that’s because I’m a massive wimp and I cry at anything on the telly.

Both James and Ella have had me hooked since I saw their first audition and neither of them have had a performance since then that I haven’t absolutely loved.

This is my favourite Ella performance out of all of them.  I think the song is amazing anyway but her interpretation of it just blows me away.  I could sit and listen to these few lines over and over again and not get bored of hearing them.

This is one of my favourite James performances.  I always like his dark angsty songs, but this one stands out as being different for me.  I love the way he completely changed what is one of the most well-known songs about these days into something completely different.  Even though the song sounded nothing like LMFAO’s, it still made me want to get up and dance.  The guy has got so much soul, it is unbelievable.

I think these two could sing absolutely anything and melt my heart.  Yet again, it seems the most talented people on the show are the singer songwriters.  They seem to be able to tell their own story through somebody else’s song as if it was them who wrote it.

The ones that got away

The other thing about X Factor is that some people go that I really like.  Again, last year I think Mischa B went before she should have done.  This year, I really liked Jade Ellis and was sad to see her go, though to be fair, none of her live performances quite matched up to her first audition for me.  Of course, with the breaking news about Lucy Spraggan leaving the competition due to illness that’s another blow as I think this girl is incredible.  I was surprised to see an artist like her on the show in the first place and it really is a shame that she isn’t still in the competition.  Her style reminds me a little of the Arctic Monkeys, another great act to come from Sheffield.  I love “Tea and Toast” as well as “Last Night”.  I thought her take on Kanye West’s Gold digger was inspired too.

So that’s it.  My humble opinion of who deserves to do well in the X Factor competition.  I can’t wait to see if I’m right. 

Who do you think should win this year and what are your favourite performances so far?

Pumpkin Mania

Anyone who follows me on Facebook, Twitter or here will know that last night I asked some of my friends on Facebook to send me some pictures of their Halloween pumpkins.  I haven’t done one this year unfortunately, but I’ve been really impressed with the efforts of others.  Some of them are absolutely amazing! Here are […]